Chapter News


    TRANSMISSION DATES AND TIMES Date Time Date Time January 9 11:15 am July 9 11:15 am February 6, rescheduled to 7   11:15 pm August 6 11:15 pm March 5 11:15 am September 3 11:15 am April 9 11:15 pm October 8 11:15 pm May 7 11:15 am November 12 11:15 am June 4 11:15 pm December 3…

  • More, on the DTV Transition

    The first thing I want to say is that I am impressed at how our industry has stepped up to the plate to run tests and attempt to help get people in the state of Oklahoma ready for the transition. From local stations running their own tests to the coordinated tests arranged by the OAB,…

  • The DTV Transition

    I don’t remember exactly what year, but at sometime between 1978 and 1981, the Japanese television industry implemented a high-definition television system with 1125 lines of vertical resolution. This was an analog system, was very expensive, and, compared to NTSC, PAL, and SECAM, required a very wide bandwidth. The NTSC system, used in the U.S.…