Amended and Approved on September 26th, 2007.
Section 1.
Name. The name of this organization shall be Central Western Oklahoma Chapter 85 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.
Section 2.
The Chapter. The Chapter is a part of a non-profit professional society designed to serve the professional needs of those persons engaged in Broadcast Engineering. This includes Radio, Television and its related industry.
Section 1.
Active Membership. A member who has paid the current yearly dues of $15.00 and supports the Chapter efforts.
Section 2.
Definition of Membership. A National Member is defined as an individual who becomes a National SBE member and has chosen SBE Chapter 85 as their Local Chapter. Being a National Member and having chosen SBE Chapter 85 waives the $15.00 Local membership fee. A Local Member is defined as an individual who is not a member of SBE National, who has chosen to join and support SBE Chapter 85 by paying the $15.00 Local membership fee.
Section 3.
Benefits of SBE Chapter 85 Membership. Active members have voting privileges. Active members will receive certification reimbursements. Non-Members will not be entitled to any SBE Benefits. This would include sponsored vendor lunches, prize drawings, giveaways and access to the Chapter archives.
Section 4.
Sustaining Member. A firm that has paid the current yearly dues of $100.00 due each July 1st. Sustaining members do not have voting privileges.
Section 1.
The Active membership of the Chapter shall elect the officers; which shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2.
There are no officer term limits. Any officer can maintain their elected position for an indeterminable amount of terms and can be replaced through the election process or by resignation.
Section 3.
The terms of all officers shall commence on April 1st.
Section 4.
No active member shall receive any compensation for services performed in their official capacity, but active members shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of official duties as approved by the active membership.
Section 5.
A vacancy in the office of Chairperson shall be filled by the Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson shall fill vacancies in the other offices by appointment until the time of the next upcoming election.
Section 6.
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, and shall perform all other duties normally associated with the office.
Section 7.
The Vice-Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of that person, and shall assist the Chairperson and shall perform all other duties normally associated with the office.
Section 8.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the circulation of meeting notices, and shall send meeting reports and attendance records to the Society Executive Secretary, and shall keep any other Chapter records as may become necessary.
Section 9.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for all records and books of account of the Chapter. All records shall be open to inspection by active members in good standing at reasonable times, and shall be audited quarterly by the Chapter Chairperson. The Secretary/Treasurer shall generally supervise all accounts and monies of the Chapter, and keep any other Chapter financial records as may become necessary. The Secretary/Treasurer shall furnish an annual financial report to the succeeding Secretary/Treasurer on April 1st Such reports shall be furnished to any active member upon request.
Section 10.
The Chapter shall maintain a checking account requiring that the checks be signed by any two (2) of the three (3) elected officers. Only elected officers shall be the authorized signatures for the account.
Section 11.
The Chapter is the authority over Chapter Funds. All expended funds must come from the approval of the Chapter. The approval will be determined by a majority vote.
Section 1.
The Chairperson shall appoint committees as required and for the length of time required, but not to exceed the Chairperson’s term of office. Standing committees shall be appointed after each election by the new Chairperson.
Section 1.
A Nominating Committee shall be appointed and shall consist of at least three (3) active members. At least sixty (60) days prior to the date fixed for the election of officers, they shall nominate a slate of officers and notify each active member present at the February meeting of the nominations. Members of the Nominating Committee cannot be candidates for office for that election, unless nominated at large from the floor.
Section 2.
Elections. The election process will now incorporate an election committee and or open floor nominations. The annual election shall be held at the March meeting of each year with the new or sustaining leadership officially in place on April 1st. This brings us in accordance with the National membership renewals and 99% of the other Chapters who use this time frame.
Section 3.
The transfer of all documents, assets and information to the newly elected officers shall be no less than 30 days from the date of the election.
Section 1.
The Chapter shall meet normally once a month, with the meeting dates, times and location to be determined by the Chairperson, with advance notice to the active membership.
Section 2.
The general order of business at the meetings shall be as follows:
A) Opening
B) Report of the Secretary/Treasurer
C) Frequency Coordination Report above 1 GHZ
D) Frequency Coordination Report below 1 GHZ
E) EAS Report
F) Certification Report
G) Membership Report
H) Report of the Committees
I) Old or Unfinished Business
J) New Business
K) Anything for the good of the Organization
L) Close
Section 3.
Roberts Rules of order, to establish procedure and insure decorum, shall be the guide for all meetings of the Chapter.
Section 4.
A Quorum shall consist of at least ten active members of the Chapter, including one officer in good standing.
Section 1.
The Chapter reserves the right to discipline its active members.
Section 1.
The By-Laws may be amended as follows: on either a resolution proposed by the Chapter Officers or by a Chapter quorum consisting of a minimum of ten active members and one officer in good standing. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Chapter active membership by floor or email for approval.
Section 2.
Absentee ballots on the proposed amendments shall be returned to the Secretary/Treasurer within thirty (30) days of the proposal. Any further discussion and voting shall take place at the next meeting.
Section 3.
If two-thirds (2/3) or more of the votes cast are in favor of the amendment, the amendment shall become part of the By-Laws and shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption.
Section 4.
When an amendment is adopted, the Secretary/Treasurer shall notify all Chapter active members of such in the next meeting, and shall provide all Chapter active members with a copy (if requested) of the amended By-Laws as soon as possible.
Section 1.
Should it become necessary to dissolve the Chapter, the assets shall be distributed as directed by the Chapter in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, Inc.