The Society of Broadcasting Engineers invites you to attend the SBE Chapter 85 monthly meetings and you are welcome to bring guests. The SBE, a non-profit professional organization formed in 1964, is committed to serving broadcast engineers no matter where in the world you work. From the studio operator to the maintenance engineer and the chief engineer to the vice president of engineering whether commercial or non-commercial.
Our meetings are normally held at 1:00 pm the forth Wednesday of each month at:

Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler, 2652 Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73120.
In the event of a holiday celebratory dinner, a short meeting will be held just before.
The meeting agenda is set by Chapter 85 by-laws as:
A) Opening
B) Report of the Secretary/Treasurer
C) Frequency Coordination Report above 1 GHZ
D) Frequency Coordination Report below 1 GHZ
E) EAS Report
F) Certification Report
G) Membership Report
H) Report of the Committees
I) Old or Unfinished Business
J) New Business
K) Anything for the good of the Organization
L) Close
On occasion, a benevolent organization will show their appreciation by providing lunch for Chapter members during the meeting. Fortunately becoming a member is very easy. You may either discuss membership with our Chairman or you can obtain membership through the SBE website.
We look forward to seeing you there!